Ok actually got off my lazy ass and got the pictures.
So.. for background for those who didn't do the secret santa this year, we had a private forum for address information and what not. In this forum, a certain mr Red Dawn posted that he would ban anyone who sent him a product that resembles.. how would one say it.. a womans reproductive organ. Being the certain silly person I am, I mimicked that post and replaced it with people using my address to give me "surprise buttsecks" or "buttseckius involunarus".
Fast forward to last week when I got my gift.. I got a package from a certain online t-shirt vendor. In it was a shirt that, when I opened it, said "Free Hugs" on the FRONT of it.. alike so.
Naturally, I found this rather amusing as it would be fun to wear to parties or to a girlfriend's parents house. However, I turned OVER the shirt (to the back) and got another surprise altogether (pun intended).
A shirt to indicate that, while on the outside I claim to be offering hugs for no expenses whatsoever, I am actually trapping them for surprise secks of the butt variety.
Well played Secret Santa, well played
And yes, this shirt is absolutely hilarious