I had mentioned something about it before, but i'm seriously thinking about doing this after i'm done with the current mod project.
The platform, Mount and Blade is fixing to release an expansion which will support 32 vs 32 multiplayer. It's a medieval game platform, but can easy be converted. It's had a release for a ww2 mod, so there won't be any problems for me to put projectile weapons together.
Somewhat restricted:
It would be mainly infantry based, seeing as I could only convert the only means of transportation, a horse, into something such as a hoverbike or basilisk if you will. Could probably do some fixed gun emplacements though. Certainly no aircraft. If a proper set of tools which allows me to edit the hitboxes is released with the expansion, then I could potentially make varied vehicles.
Fairly simple:
What I will have ease to do is working with scenes. I was always disappointed with the base formats on PS, and now with control, the concept of a PS base could be entirely redone.
I always imagined some full cityscapes with house to house combat, and cleaning out enemy infested mini skyscrapers
Factions, armors, weapons.. all that could be done to custom standard, allowing for new weapons, armors, and even new factions. Theres always the option for me to see If I can dig out content from PS, and convert it M&B engine, though it wouldnt be so difficult to just make new armor, as the engine is better graphics capacity than PS as it is.
I'm kinda jonesin' to put together a proto TR trooper set atm
Anyways it's food for thought.