Those were fake conversations
Fake? Looks like real emotion to me
I'd like to present article A for the arguement:
Fuck you nig*** you dont know what its like to heal fuck you
I had to bleep the expletive.
Clearly we can see the unbridled passion towards defamation of a race, in times of frustration. This is key indicator of a core racial prejudices, of one whom appears to be compliant on the surface.
The scenario being that the game character "skullkeeper", was involved in a highly tense situation and was responsible for the well being of others. This character avatar, not able to fufill the obligations to those around him, then started to frustrate the controller of said avatar.
It's at this point that we can see the core undermining principles and beliefs of this person when he lashes out against his critics by demeaning them, even using racial slurs to denegrate others, so he can empower himself...
Fuck you nig*** you dont know what its like to heal fuck you
I think the evidence speaks for itself
And it begs to question. What race/ethnicity of human skulls does this character avatar intended to keep?