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Author Topic: Swearing an Oath  (Read 69355 times)
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« Reply #135 on: September 16, 2009, 05:29:23 AM »

Varg! hey man I appreciate your post. I think that practical science is indeed discovering God's handiwork. I do want to say on faith though that, the very definition of faith would be something along the lines of  A firm belief in something that can not be proven, and in some cases a firm belief in something despite evidence to the contrary. So I think by its very definition, if there was a lack of knowledge on any subject it would take faith to fill those gaps and claim you believe it to be true. the problem with religion, its mans attempt to answer questions that we cannot answer. I agree with you 100% If religion was an attempt by MAN to answer question we can not it would be patently false. However, I believe that God has gone through great lengths to make himself known, and that Christianity is based not on the teachings of man but of God.

Thanks for chiming in with such a well spoken and understandable point of view.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
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« Reply #136 on: September 16, 2009, 07:31:43 AM »

Hey unno:

Why doesn't god heal amputees?

Does your church have a lightning rod?

What is your god going to do to me if I don't kiss his ass?
And what if your not ready? What if your not at the point of acknowledging the problems of existence but seek to know the answers? No i'm not talking in some kind of Christian code. I'm asking if your sure, if your ready to hear the answers.  You refuse to even acknowledge that truth exist, and yet you want to know the reasons behind what you view as unfair atrocities? Thrun, If right and wrong don't exist how can you even insinuate that someone not having a leg is wrong?

Or perhaps better put by asking if someone broke into your house robbed and killed you in the process but was doing it because he needed money for drugs, or booze or hookers or whatever and it was right in his own mind would you consider that wrong?

Or even better Islam tells us that honor killing for anyone who disrespects you, especially woman is ok. So if a woman refused to do the dishes and the guy decided to saw her head off. That went right in line with his belief system. according to what he was taught that is perfectly acceptable?

I have written the answers to your questions, but 1. I don't know if your ready to hear them. 2. I don't know if you'll actually read them in their entirety because they are long. 3. I don't know if you'll listen with open ears until we work out some of these other things.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 07:45:44 AM by Unnormal » Logged

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
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« Reply #137 on: September 16, 2009, 11:42:32 AM »

I'll go back and look for them, not sure how I missed them
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« Reply #138 on: September 16, 2009, 12:47:12 PM »

I'll go back and look for them, not sure how I missed them

Check on Glenn Beck while you are at it.

It's a good show.

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« Reply #139 on: September 16, 2009, 01:05:48 PM »

Jason Lewis is much better.

And if this doesn't make you believe in a creator then I don't know what will:


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« Reply #140 on: September 16, 2009, 01:11:07 PM »



« Reply #141 on: September 16, 2009, 01:27:03 PM »
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I Am Aldoran. (sung to Black Sabbath's "Ironman")

« Reply #142 on: September 16, 2009, 02:54:26 PM »

Well I think your missing a few things, here. the person of Jesus, the prophets of the old testiment, God's intervention on behalf of iserial ect. God is absolutley interacting with us in history, and personally.
If I were to ask you what the date was you would tell me. September, 15 2009 you realize that the date itself testifies to the life of Christ. (I can hear it already rabble rabble rabble gregorian rabble clander rabble catholic.=Julian calander Age of the martyrs check it.)
God has absolutley been recorded, he has been analyzed since the begining of time, and interacted with repeatedly through out history. As well as quantified as something that we can't comprehend without his direction.

How about real documentation of god? Your bible is no more evidence of god than the Koran, Torah, The Pali Cannon, My D&D manual, or Amazing Spiderman #64. Each is  published by man, written by man, and each is considered fiction by anyone who doesn't believe in it.

I accept that our society is influenced by religion. The dates we use are numbered in a Christian fashion, but years would still pass without Jesus, the numbers would just be different. Our weekdays are based on the names of gods, but does Thursday prove the existence of Thor?

Historical persons interacting with god is spurious argument at best. Joan of Arc could have been talking to god, or she could have been nuts. Moses and a burning bush? Maybe he just saw his people in need of a moral guide and made some shit up? What better reason to follow these new rules than to spin a tale of holy power?

Give me proof, quantifiable, visible proof, of god. If he can heal cancer when asked, let him heal an amputee. Until there is independent, non-biblical proof of god he's going to have to stay in the same class, "invisible magical being".

So, prove it or admit it, God is an invisible magical being.

« Reply #143 on: September 16, 2009, 02:56:15 PM »

god you guys need hobbies
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« Reply #144 on: September 16, 2009, 03:15:48 PM »

god you guys need hobbies

Christian apologetics is a hobby of mine
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I Am Aldoran. (sung to Black Sabbath's "Ironman")

« Reply #145 on: September 16, 2009, 03:34:09 PM »

god you guys need hobbies

Dude! Trolling the 'net for religious discussions IS my hobby! I never thought I would get a chance to do it here!

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« Reply #146 on: September 16, 2009, 03:38:25 PM »

And what if your not ready? What if your not at the point of acknowledging the problems of existence but seek to know the ? Thrun, If right and wrong don't exist how can you even insinuate that someone not having a leg is wrong?

I'm not insinuating that not having a leg is wrong, I am insinuating that it is wrong of god to promise to heal people and completely ignore or refuse to do so for amputees.  Which leads me to believe he's not doing it for people that survive heart attacks and credit it to god either.

I said morality is not absolute, not that right/wrong/Truth don't exist.  

I can think of numerous situations where following the ten commandments would contradict what I would consider the right thing to do.  Situations where lying or killing would be preferred to telling the truth or not harming someone abound.

So there is a right and wrong, it's just that they slide depending on the situation you are placed in at the time.  Make sense?

As far as the Islam stuff, I can quote bible verse after verse where women are told to be subservient and man is comanded to murder infadels/slaves/family members.  

I have written the answers to your questions, but 1. I don't know if your ready to hear them. 2. I don't know if you'll actually read them in their entirety because they are long. 3. I don't know if you'll listen with open ears until we work out some of these other things.

I am unable to find a post where you tell me if your church has a lightning rod, why god won't heal amputees and what your god is going to do to me if I don't prostrate myself before him.

Can you direct me to a post number?

« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 03:40:05 PM by thrun » Logged
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I Am Aldoran. (sung to Black Sabbath's "Ironman")

« Reply #147 on: September 16, 2009, 03:56:07 PM »

Thrun, he heals Cancer kids, heart attack victims, those with congenital defects, but never amputees. God hates amputees.

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« Reply #148 on: September 16, 2009, 04:00:55 PM »

Check on Glenn Beck while you are at it.

It's a good show.

I'm trying to watch Glenn Beck right now but he seems to fill the same slot as Limbaugh and Moore.  I can't listen to any of them for a long time with out shitting my pants. 
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« Reply #149 on: September 16, 2009, 04:08:12 PM »

And if this doesn't make you believe in a creator then I don't know what will:

I'd probably pray to her
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