For the sake of posterity, I would like to document the "food" that was brought to the race that day. Turkley brought with him: 1 box of Pop-Tarts, 3 bottles of uranium-blue Gatorade, and 12 glazed donuts. The Gout brought a cooler filled to the brim with: 6 Capri-Suns, 10 Busch Lights leftover from country concert 3 weeks prior, and an enormous 6 pound bag of Double-Bubble.
Don't forget I brought a pound of cheese plus cold cuts in honor of VanHalen's performance last year. That and half a loaf of bread and some cool guys (including some unknown 11% beer I finished off the day with along with a whole Dominoes pizza). Nothing quite beats Turk and g0ut's "sustainence" though.