1.) Flipz
2.) 70, Troll, Rogue
3.) <Flipz Isnt Wearing Pants>, Made by me jus to have a funny title.
4.) Aspirations meaning goals if I recall correctly... Nothing big, My raiding experience is already into Black Temple and Mount Hyjal. I was jus interested with raiding, pvping, and arenaing with talented members of The Wolverines ^_^.
5.) 16, Highschool Student of Valencia High of Valencia CA.
6.) I've ran with a few of the guild members and had noticed their incredible skill.
7.) Well, seeing as I've played Flipz more often I've grown to enjoy playing a rogue. That and I transfered this character to Malygos to play with a good RL Friend, Dratini of Aftershock. With honesty, I'd like to join The Wolverines to get "Light" Raiding on this character, gear him up a bit, and help the guild in any way I can possible. As well as being new to the server, friends besides drat and some other kid from school would make me much happier
<Important>: I forgot to mention this is my ---> 5th 70 <---. I'll only be able to raid when Im not raiding on my main (Some Tuesdays, Thursdays, AND MAYBE Sundays). Other than that I can do anything on any day
Other Chars:
Iamthejoker (Raiding Char) 70 Dwarf Hunter
Holyhandz (Pvp / Arena Healer) 70 Dwarf Priest
Lennee (Party / Raid Tank) 70 Night Elf Druid
Chiefy (Party / Raid Healer) 70 Dwarf Pally.
Those 4 Characters are from The Underbog.