What is up peoples?!?!?
No, I am not coming back to WoW. I just wanted to tell everyone Happy New Year and let you know that you still touch my tra la la.
Also I wanted to poke fun at the HD DVD faithful...you know who you are.
I came across this new article today. *Evil Laughter*
Seems Warner Bros. Is pulling out of HD DVD (WHAT THE...o.O....). Yes the LARGEST video producer is pulling the plug, saying buh-bye, going the way of the dino. All HD DVD has left is Paramount and Universal...and there is rumor that one of the two may be jumping ship too now that Warner has. But take heart! I mean you still got porn right...
*Diabolical Laughter*
The article may be a little dated (It came out yesterday...muhahahahaha).
But I thinketh the shiteth hath hiteth the fan for Toshiba.
Address your hate mail to Akio Ozaka CEO of Toshiba America Consumer Products.
Dear Mr. Ozaka,
You sonofabitch! Damn you! Damn you to hell for offering such low, low prices on your soon to be obsolete player! I could have bought an orange smoothie! You bastard...I could have bought an orange smoothie...or maybe a Blu-Ray. I hate you and I hope you get Herpes!
With much Malice,
<Your Name Here>
Below is the article. You can read it yourself. I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to say "I told you so."
So don't leave angry...just leave.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080107/tc_afp/lifestyleusitelectronicsconsumerdvd;_ylt=AkhKp.1PN86ilTtH.slqf0tk24cAP.S. I love you.
Your friendly neighborhood Volkaxx