hey guys,
As you know, I'm headed off to college in a matter of weeks. In talking with my roommates, I have been dubbed "bringer of TV". I took a look around, and am still confused, and with all the help you gave Glacius with his HDTV, I thought you could help me too
I'm on a budget of (before shipping) roughly $300, willing to go to $350 if the difference is worth it. I'd rather not go smaller than 19" LCD. So far the two I've found after a quick look (I'm leaving in 2 weeks, and 1 week I'll be in Florida) are:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889022050(last resort, since its "recertified", but like the size, and the model has good reviews)
http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=5645638(also remember, I get 10% off walmart, and we have that in stock at my store, so no shipping).
What do you guys think?