I agree that Greeny can be a snobby little bitch, and he admits it, but this is definitely not him.
now we'll have to hear about reparations for a while.
Maybe Danny Glover, and his "Haiti earthquake caused by Global Warming" will get to weigh in on this too.
Look at some of this softcore vag bullshit
Mike should be fired ASAP "COON" is a mean, dirty, hateful, old south redneck word that should never be used. Remember Howard Cosell on MNF "monkey" Mike had to have said that word around the office and around the house all the time or it was a deliberate slip. I mean come on who in the hell uses the word "COON" and above all else on MLK day on ESPN. I am from OC CA and I am not into all the PC crap across the country, but COON is like "fire" in theater can never be said, never...sorry Mike time to go.
This man said EXACTLY what was in his heart. Not a "slip" of the tongue. Blatant raceism on the air and from my point of view the station condones his comment. Guess he feels he owns the air waves and can perpetuate this kind of thing as opps I didn't mean it like that.....BULL
This guy is at least accurate in his analysis of Greenie
Greenie is not a racist. I think he gets along with everyone be it the Chinks, The Shines, The Beaners or the Tards. He likes everyone