Title: Biggest brass balls thread Post by: Jim Tressel on June 30, 2012, 03:08:18 AM I was just doing some youtube perusing for videos of the ridonkulous storm that hit Columbus this evening and found the following, which apparently took place a few days ago during tropical storm Debby:
[yt=425,350]5oOahULB08E[/yt] Post other big, brass, ballsy things here. Title: Re: Biggest brass balls thread Post by: Snackcakes on July 12, 2012, 02:38:13 PM http://www.cracked.com/article_17019_5-real-life-soldiers-who-make-rambo-look-like-pussy.html
Title: Re: Biggest brass balls thread Post by: Ataeus on July 13, 2012, 04:32:39 AM [yt=425,350]pkWgp2abM2w[/yt]
"All of the suspects had extensive criminal records. They knew what they were doing they just didn't know who they were doing it against." - Cop |