Title: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on June 07, 2010, 11:37:43 PM Just removed any reason to buy a new point and shoot, and might get me my first iphone.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 02:01:22 AM some cool features......if all the Columbus guys get 4's then I will get one so I can flash my balls at them while screaming CHATROULLETTE
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on June 08, 2010, 03:29:50 AM lol yeah. The video chat to iphone only one last for long. That is right now from the device free. There will be apps free or paying that will let you use the front camera for video chatting with other apps or computers.
Like you said there was a running joke on the internet. Apple's creation - Now you can shoot porn, edit it, and distribute it all from a cellphone. The porn industry has never been so easy to get into. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on June 08, 2010, 12:50:49 PM I think I'm picking up an HTC incredible today. Absolutely sick of AT&T and my iphone has been a broken pile of shit for about 5 months now with no resolution from apple but to buy a new one.
I was tempted for the iphone4, but not tempted enough. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 12:52:43 PM Apple Care for the win! I went in and had a new one in 5 minutes. I want to see if the new antennae/case thing makes reception better.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on June 08, 2010, 12:54:46 PM It's absolutely my fault for not buying Apple Care, but none the less it has left a sour taste in my mouth. I kind of figure if I'm buying a product that you know I'll only keep for two years taking more money to ensure it works is robbery.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 01:17:54 PM the Incredible will be awesome. once it gets Froyo you will be straight jackin!
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Jim Tressel on June 08, 2010, 01:55:03 PM Quote from: zonk The video chat to iphone only one last for long. That is right now from the device free. Zonk, are you a Nigerian e-mail scammer? Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 02:25:08 PM He was masturbating furiously with his other hand while he was typing.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Snackcakes on June 08, 2010, 05:00:53 PM i don't think its worth it unless you are an existing iphone user. new users have a 2gb data cap, f that noise. existing users get grandfathered in with the unlimited data.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Jim Tressel on June 08, 2010, 05:50:26 PM motherfucking right I get grandfathered in!
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 06:18:42 PM if you use 2GB of data in a month on 3G then you need to get a fucking life. Seriously. Check your usage stats I bet you come NOWHERE near 2GB a month. According to my logs I most I've ever used in one month was 205mb. I also stream Sirius, and various radio stations around the country. I also surf on the toilet A LOT.....and in the car.
In short....if you are using 2GB in a month then you are a fucking idiot and need to get your life in order because something is SERIOUSLY wrong. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on June 08, 2010, 06:27:59 PM Incredible is now in my possession. I scored the only one available in town still, and only because the guy before me went with sprint for an Evo instead.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 08, 2010, 06:33:46 PM did you call him a faggot?
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Hawkes on June 08, 2010, 07:26:46 PM Rand,
Let me know about the Incredible... I was waiting until I got back from Mexico to pick one up and would love a review on it from someone I know. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Snackcakes on June 08, 2010, 07:32:24 PM for 5 dollars i'll get the unlimited data. video chat + hd video = lots of data
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Jim Tressel on June 08, 2010, 09:53:21 PM Spoiler warning: No one will use video chat or use their phone to create and upload hd video. Actually some people might, but they're the same dildos that Red was mentioning earlier.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on June 09, 2010, 12:31:34 AM Lol, wow didn't notice that was that bad. Yeah sometimes if I type "ont" instead of "wont" it changes it to one automatically.
What I was trying to say is the video chat won't only be iphone to iphone forever. There will be apps that can access it, and ones that will install on pc/mac computers to do cellphone to computer. Yeah I know new customers don't get the unlimited, but I don't think that will effect me. Sadly I don't travel as much as I would like, and I am on Wifi 90% of the time in town, apartment + university. So 2GB should be more then enough 3G for me. -- Yeah the front video isn't a huge feature, but would use it, I use iChat with family every month or so once. And recording HD video is just like having a point in shoot with you anytime, don't see the problem with that, saves me money on a point and shoot. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 09, 2010, 02:20:53 AM JT!!! Video chat is the future! Next up.....ROCKET PACKS!
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Armonde on June 09, 2010, 11:21:48 AM I've got the old HTC Star Trek phone (so old it still has cingular on it) Think the iphone 4 is sexy enough to get, or should I wait around til the fall to see what else is out there?
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Snackcakes on June 09, 2010, 12:36:11 PM Whatever, I give it a week before JT drunk dials me and attempts to have a video chat with his balls in the frame.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on June 10, 2010, 01:22:41 AM This is the line-up. There won't be any big phones coming out until next year. AT&T = iPhone4, Verizon = Incredible, Sprint = EVO 4G, Tmobile = ?
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: RedDawn on June 13, 2010, 03:55:20 PM droid 2
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on July 07, 2010, 08:44:50 PM [yt=425,350]FL7yD-0pqZg[/yt]
(fixed -JT) Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on July 08, 2010, 04:33:52 AM The funny thing is the guy that made that video almost lost his high quality best buy sales job when best buy found out he made it. The video is mostly right, but for all the problems on the iPhone4 the camera rapes the EVO or any other phone. Just gets old explaining why 8MP on a sensor the size of a needle sucks more then a 5MP on a sensor the size of a needle.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on July 08, 2010, 01:20:14 PM This thing makes me laugh so hard.
"I want one with the bigger GB's." Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on July 09, 2010, 05:45:36 PM Yeah sadly it is that bad, I had a college roommate who owned and iPhone3G and never once synced it with his computer after activation, put apps, photos, videos, anything on it. It might as well been a 3G flip phone with a web browser. Phone was wasted on the guy.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Nightstalker on July 21, 2010, 10:01:57 PM I can't believe they put the antenna where fingers would cover it.
Pretty damn funny. Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: Redbear8 on July 22, 2010, 01:45:05 PM At least they finally caved in and are giving out cases for these things. I'm a doomsday kind of guy, so i would have loved to see this ruin apples market but it probably won't do much about it.
Title: Re: iPhone4 Post by: ZONK on July 23, 2010, 04:42:45 AM Yeah it won't effect that much. As it is the iphone is a sandwich of glass. If you didn't put a case on it outside the house you would be crazy or just rich enough not to care. Inside the house it is easy to use the device without the antenna spot being an issue. (IE. lots of tables and places to set it and do what you were doing while you talk/browse/touch yourself.