
Misc. Gaming => Game Discussion => Topic started by: ZONK on May 14, 2010, 01:19:32 AM

Title: Free Game: Portal
Post by: ZONK on May 14, 2010, 01:19:32 AM
Right now because of Steam being released for OS X they have made Portal free for everyone until the 24th. The game only takes about 5 hours max to beat. It is first person but puzzle based game. Some parts require timing, but for the most part it just thinking about how to move around "teleporting" with shootable portals. Game is pretty funny, and has the best ending ever for a puzzle game. Hint: it just isn't "last level is longest/hardest". The ending is the most fun part of the game.

Free just requires you to install steam and make an account if you don't have one. Game is like 5Gbs

Title: Re: Free Game: Portal
Post by: BCBrent on May 14, 2010, 02:24:26 PM

Link to original Image:  http://www.goopeg.com/img/ZsXg0uHn.jpg  - And if you don't get it, on the PC version you shoot the exit portal through the right mouse button :)

In all seriousness, the game is pretty awesome.  The end credits song was written by Jonathan Coulton (of First of May and Re: Your Brains fame).

Title: Re: Free Game: Portal
Post by: Jim Tressel on October 06, 2011, 12:33:12 AM
If you never got Portal 2; 1) Shame on you, and 2) It's on sale for $15 on Steam.  Do the right thing.  Do it meow.
