
Public Forums => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Reddawn on February 23, 2010, 06:38:05 PM

Title: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Reddawn on February 23, 2010, 06:38:05 PM
if you are going to post pics of chicks....naked or not....please dont do it in the OPEN DISCUSSION forum. It threw off Varg and I's proxy filters at work and if I was to lose my job because of something stupid like that it would end with a life sentence for me and your death....Troyer would film it and it would go on the front page.

This isn't the first time it's happened but ever since Bush fucked everything up I can't afford to be unemployed.

So in short....stop it....please! We have a forum for that :)


Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 06:44:30 PM
definitely Rando's fault

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 23, 2010, 06:48:33 PM
I did ask what you didn't have beef with, so I agree with Night. Blame Rando.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 06:49:17 PM

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 23, 2010, 06:53:47 PM
When I go back and think about it though, I bet you would have "beef" with a few of them if you know what I mean...

*wink wink*

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: thrun on February 23, 2010, 06:57:14 PM
See, that's funny because beef implies genitals and them implies men.  Making you a homo. 

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 08:07:08 PM
If y'all are going to surf the web while at work, y'all should at least post some sort of reminder somewhere about your special needs for when you visit this site. Maybe some icon on the corner of the front page or something.

Really, it's a bit ridiculous to hand this all down onto Rando, and expect him to be sensitive to everyone's browsing needs without him even knowing.

Just sayin'

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Snackcakes on February 23, 2010, 08:21:36 PM
Night must not know what its like to have a job and surf the web at work?

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 08:25:09 PM
I was usually too busy to consider surfing the web.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: ZONK on February 23, 2010, 08:36:36 PM
wait there are jobs left?

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 08:48:03 PM
Oh snap

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Snackcakes on February 23, 2010, 08:51:46 PM
Too busy to surf the web eh?


Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 23, 2010, 08:53:13 PM
Night, would you mail me some good quality Boudin? I can't get any here in Huntsvegas.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 23, 2010, 09:24:55 PM
(http://Too busy to surf the web eh?)

I don't see how that is relevant.

Mostly it's been about having to answer to Rando's accusations.

He has been trying to troll me on a global thread scale. Should I stand for that?

Nice chart btw  ;)

Night, would you mail me some good quality Boudin? I can't get any here in Huntsvegas.

Got the right price and i'll smuggle anything across the border

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 23, 2010, 09:52:07 PM
Woah, I said nothing about paying you a damn thing for it. I feel you owe me Boudin.

And quit arguing with snacks for Pete's sake.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Snackcakes on February 24, 2010, 02:15:15 AM
meh its okay rando. he's been slinging some weak sauce lately. JT has been getting the best of him. What the hell is boudin anyway?

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Jim Tressel on February 24, 2010, 03:24:41 AM
Hillbilly meat.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 24, 2010, 04:33:53 AM
Hillbilly meat

Maybe at some point Rando might decide to man up and actually interrogate you on your troll posts.

But we all know how the Liberal double-standard status works.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Snackcakes on February 24, 2010, 01:29:08 PM
mmmmm Hillbilly meat....


Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 24, 2010, 01:53:00 PM
I'm not a Liberal night, but despite that I've known JT to agree with some things I've said. Hell I'm closer to your point of view and I'm not sure how often I can say you've agreed with anything I've said.

Just saying.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Nightstalker on February 24, 2010, 04:07:12 PM
Why are you arguing with me? If you agree with my stances as you suggest, then you would not be arguing.

I think it's time you face the mirror my friend.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Jim Tressel on February 24, 2010, 05:27:51 PM
Hillbilly fight.

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: majer on February 24, 2010, 05:56:42 PM
someone gonna post some boobs/moobs on this thread or what?

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Redbear8 on February 24, 2010, 06:51:05 PM
Night! Again you are arguing with someone. Geez! Can you people believe it?

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: majer on February 25, 2010, 03:40:50 AM
this page needed boobs and here they are

  { O }{ O }

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Ellanorah on February 27, 2010, 04:32:20 AM
those are wrinkly


Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: ZONK on February 27, 2010, 05:41:40 AM
   - -        - -
(   O   ) (   O   )
   - -        - -

Bigger is better

Title: Re: Everyone FOR FUCKS FUCKING SAKE.....read this
Post by: Kastil on February 28, 2010, 02:51:27 AM
Those are so Silicone Zonk.
