
Misc. Gaming => Game Discussion => Topic started by: Phazis on August 24, 2009, 03:46:23 PM

Title: AION
Post by: Phazis on August 24, 2009, 03:46:23 PM
Like I said in other thread, I will be playing for sure.
Got some people together from various games that will be playing with no guild specific group.
If anyone wants to play, please pm me and ill give you info of temporary forums we will be using while picking the server etc.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 09, 2009, 12:37:58 PM
I'm suprised to see no wolverines geting on board with this  ;D must have something to do with the wow crowd spreading hate around about this game ?
Got almost 30 people already on board and everyone is loving the beta I sugest more of you have a look at that title as it suprised a lot of people so far.
Should you have any questions ask away here or shoot to fileplanet for your key (no paid sub required)


Title: Re: AION
Post by: Paul on September 09, 2009, 05:16:55 PM
looks alright, but I'm not in the mood for an MMO

Title: Re: AION
Post by: gr0n on September 09, 2009, 06:22:43 PM
I might check it out...

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Aldoran on September 09, 2009, 06:38:16 PM
Dungeons and Dragons went FTP today. I'm interested in Aion, but I gotta get my D&D on first.


Title: Re: AION
Post by: Dracneir on September 10, 2009, 06:16:42 AM
World of Wingcraft

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 10, 2009, 12:25:57 PM
World of Wingcraft

go troll yourself

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Akais on September 11, 2009, 03:29:46 AM
I'm in the beta and loving it.

Then again, I might be a bit of a fanboi on the matter... I been waiting on this game to come over from Asia for a long while now.

Frankly, I don't see the WoW comparisons at all... If anything it's taken some of WoW's lesser noticed mechanics and incorporated them into a game that is visually stunning  and reasonably balanced for both solo and group play.
Not high enough to PvP yet, so no ideas on balance vs other classes.

If I had to compare it to an existing MMO, WoW would come in close to the bottom of games I would liken it to.

It feels and looks more like a seriously updated and solo friendly version of FFXI than anything else.

Moreover it puts the element of true risk vs. reward  and the need to pay attention and know your class back into the MMO genre...

I can't call it next generation, that title is going to go to either Square-Enix, Blizzard (I'd bet money they announce a new MMO in 2010) or Bioware for their games next year,  but it's a good preview of things to come.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Ataeus on September 16, 2009, 08:37:59 PM
I came here hoping to find a post like this... but with more people :(

Anyway have you picked a server yet? I'll def be playing I cancelled my WOW a month ago playing the betas.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 17, 2009, 05:07:50 PM
Got so far 45 people lined up, everyone loved beta etc we keep chaning our mind about the server but looks like we will play Asmodians.
We probably will not decide for sure untill tomorrow morning on the server.

And not I have not been updating wolverines on whats going on since there appeared to be 0 interest

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on September 17, 2009, 05:15:15 PM
im still kinda burned out on MMO's.....even though I don't play games as much as you guys WOW was like a job for me.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on September 17, 2009, 05:33:25 PM
wow....some of those videos are sweet. Is it as grindy as WOW?

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on September 17, 2009, 05:46:06 PM
throw me a key...what the hell

Title: Re: AION
Post by: thrun on September 17, 2009, 05:56:58 PM
 if there are beta invites to be had I'll sign up and play it

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 17, 2009, 06:14:30 PM
beta is over, game goes live this weekend

Title: Re: AION
Post by: gr0n on September 17, 2009, 09:57:13 PM
I'm always interested in a new MMO that isn't WoW.  Strangely I'm having fun playing FFXI again, but my 2 week trial is up by the end of next week.

AION or RoM might be the next step for me.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 17, 2009, 11:31:05 PM
let me know guy, this thing just broke all the preorder records with 400,000 preorders and guild is maxed at 90  ;)

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on September 18, 2009, 04:29:49 PM
what server Phazis? I'll pick it up

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Ataeus on September 18, 2009, 04:55:54 PM
Blegh Emodians. My roomates and I were gonna play Elyos on Marchutan because it was mentioned least by the Aion forum epeens :P
That and Elyos Templars have better racial skills ;)

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on September 18, 2009, 05:13:56 PM
ok im going to pre-order it today

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Ataeus on September 18, 2009, 05:22:29 PM
I still dunno what server Phazis is playing. I can try to convert my friends.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Hawkes on September 18, 2009, 05:41:41 PM
fuck... $15 a month...... plus $50 for the damn game.  My spending money doesn't travel that far man..... kids gotta eat.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 18, 2009, 06:15:07 PM
The problem is we got a lot of guilds trying to follow us that we try to ditch and I did not make this info public for now.

Wolv forums since we merged like 5 different guilds for this project and decided to go with new names.

If you guys want to play with me and solid US legion ill give you access to our vent/forums etc

private message me for server info plz, sorry for the complicating but if my name would pop up associated with the name of the server in google results I would proly get shot

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Ataeus on September 18, 2009, 06:47:21 PM
lol k

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on September 18, 2009, 09:47:29 PM
Triniel - Asmo

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Arkanine on September 18, 2009, 11:52:15 PM
actually Templar sounds pretty cool

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Akais on September 20, 2009, 06:09:55 PM
I have 6 following me to my server choice with the express request that we go to an EST server since our playtime is CST and moderately early PM which puts us in the Primetime for that timezone.

I wish you guys, "good hunting" on Triniel ;D

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on October 05, 2009, 03:37:28 PM
So being a week into it what's you guys opinion.....I got hijacked with FFXI for the time being but wouldn't mind trying it out

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Redbear8 on October 05, 2009, 03:44:49 PM
I too have watched the videos and think it looks pretty kick ass. How is it actually. It's hard for me to justify buying the game though...

Especially since I got drawn back into FFXI...Fucking Red.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Hawkes on October 05, 2009, 04:06:53 PM
Well I've been playing since day one and for whatever it's worth (since I'm more of an FPS player), I am really enjoying it.  I'm leveled up to 23 so far and I think I'm sticking with it.

Phazis wqould have to compare it for you since he's played MMO's much more than I have and he can break it down in terms youy guys would understand.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Volk on October 05, 2009, 04:54:03 PM
Wouldn't mind trying it out sometime if they do a trial period.


Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on October 05, 2009, 05:29:14 PM
Especially since I got drawn back into FFXI...Fucking Red.

Fuck me? Fuck gr0n this was his idea :P

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on October 06, 2009, 01:26:01 AM
* sigh * Hawkes made me come here and write stuff ....

- I never played WOW so can't compare it to you but I do hear people that did play say that at first it feels like wh but that they get rly quiet comparing in 20s. Most of this probably comes from the fact that people think that Blizzard invented MMOs.
- Lineage comparising, I played Lineage II and I did quit in rage after a while just like everyone else did. Art style might remotely remind of Lineage but it is not manga game at all. Specially that the customization allows you to recereate Obamas face not just Lucy Liu.
- Game is not easy, it will take months for most people to get to 50 but it is not mindless grind all the way, there is tons of pvp, instances, various zones etc to get you to enjoy it.
- The best engine in games I ever played with, the game was crysis engine and looks stunning while running just fine on rly shitty comps.
Solid framerate with large groups of people !
- Winged combat its tons of fun. The whole flying system was not made in some lame way where you just press arrows up and down ... you got limited time to fly and you have to glide when there appears to be some sord of air modeling system in game that can help you or fuck you up big time.
- Crafting system kicks ass, its mad hard to skill but you end up crafting stuff that can compete with the best drops in game

I do have feeling that this game will turn way to hard for most but the most presistant to last will love it and play it for long years

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Volk on October 06, 2009, 03:17:45 AM
WTB more grammar.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Arctic on October 06, 2009, 03:26:04 AM
WTB more grammar.

I understood everything he said

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Segnam on October 06, 2009, 04:27:55 AM
WTB more grammar.

I understood everything he said

You would arctic lol, still wtb more grammar.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Phazis on October 06, 2009, 04:55:57 PM
I see you guys picked nice amount of trash in WOW
Every time I post something here I regret it, Hawkes plz don't ask me to post stuff here anymore and to be honest with you, why the fuck do you waste time running this forums etc for this "gaming community" ?
If one of the wolverines needs me in future, you know how to find me.


Title: Re: AION
Post by: Reddawn on October 06, 2009, 05:00:11 PM
good going assholes

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Redbear8 on October 06, 2009, 07:13:29 PM
Trash huh? I joined up in WoW but don't really consider myself trash. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.

Despite all the douchbaggery floating around, sounds like a pretty cool game. If I can convince Red to buy me a copy I'm playing.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Kastil on October 06, 2009, 09:11:42 PM
Trash huh? I joined up in WoW but don't really consider myself trash. Thanks for the vote of confidence though.

Despite all the douchbaggery floating around, sounds like a pretty cool game. If I can convince Red to buy me a copy I'm playing.

Thats a lot of loving you'll have to donate Rand.   And I prefer the term "Used up Items" to "trash" it's more PC.

Title: Re: AION
Post by: Jim Tressel on October 07, 2009, 12:18:46 AM
Don't sweat it Phazzy, just some friendly ribbing.  Don't run away!

Title: Re: AION
Post by: JesterDTM on October 07, 2009, 02:27:08 AM
Monthly fee's sux
