
Public Forums => Tech Talk => Topic started by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 02:36:32 PM

Title: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 02:36:32 PM
Alright guys.  After being a slacker for the past couple years (actually busting my ass taking care of 4 kids) we've decided it's time for me to get my sanity back and go back to work.  I'm planning on getting back into the IT field and am looking for advice on certs.  What path do you guys think I should take to get started?  I know I'll be making pennies to start out and will stuck with the shit jobs, but I gotta start somewhere.  So... who loves their job and would do it all over again and who hates their job and thinks they should have taken a different path?

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Kith on May 14, 2009, 02:44:40 PM
What kind of IT work would you like to do?

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: thrun on May 14, 2009, 02:44:56 PM
My only advice is practice smiling and shaking hands with recruiters from consulting firms with out vomitting.   You'll want to, but you can't.


Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 14, 2009, 02:45:44 PM
Don't go into IT it sucks....go back to school and get an associates in something in the medical field....job security at its finest.

Radiology, nursing, respiratory Therapy...whateva

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 02:51:05 PM
Don't go into IT it sucks....go back to school and get an associates in something in the medical field....job security at its finest.

Radiology, nursing, respiratory Therapy...whateva

Are you nuts Red?  My wife is the director of HR at a hospital and I can tell you that most people she works with are about as nuts as that video you posted where the guy is recycling his own spunk.  About the only sane medical professionals I know are the people on here and that's even a stretch.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 02:53:46 PM
What kind of IT work would you like to do?

That's what I need to figure out Kith.  Not sure which way I want to go this time.  Back in 98 I had started my path down the MCSE track when Win2K was being transitioned in and that totally fucked my path up.  Anyway, getting married, having kids and other shit put that all on hold.  So, I think the easy picking is the simple MCDST since I could probably fly through that, but I also think the Cisco might be a better route since some of the stuff I did at my last job was dealing with some basic VOIP and wireless integration.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 14, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
Do you have a 4 year degree?

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 03:39:57 PM
Do you have a 4 year degree?

If I did, I probably wouldn't be reinventing myself.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Varg on May 14, 2009, 03:52:18 PM
From what i have seen, networking is the fastest path with the most money. I am working on my Net+ cert (and when i say working i mean saving up 250 to take it, looks like cake), and then my CCNA.

We have a pretty diverse IT crowd here and I am sure someone can give you advice on being a DBA or a programmer or whatever, but if you are into networking at all, I would look into getthing those certs. I know that a CCNA cert can land you at LEAST 50k/year (georgia money-dont know about up north, should be higher). That is with some experince of course.

That being said, a CCNA is not a easy cert to get (in my opinion). You will have devote a bit of time studying and probably need to get a lab (router, switch, firewall etc) to practice with.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 14, 2009, 04:10:01 PM
I have a 4 year and I might go into a different career field....don't be a hater. A lot of places require it now to ge tin the door....so go back to school like Rodney Dangerfield!

DBA work would indeed be the most money....there are a billion MCSE's and CCNA's now....and both certs without practical experience lead to cheap ass companies hiring you at shitty salaries.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 04:15:27 PM
I don't have that kind of time.  I need to get back to work by the end of the summer.  I've toyed around with the DBA cert as well.  I've done some basic database stuff in the past creating DB's for our wireless devices back at the bank I worked at.  I have a call in to a friend of mine over there who has the DB certs.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Kith on May 14, 2009, 05:00:25 PM
Yeah, I would agree with Varg - networking might be a good way to go.  I've also heard that the CCNA exam is tough, but it's a well recognized and respected cert, provided that you like networking.  Gr0n can speak more to the networking/CCNA side of things than I can.

I know some DBAs who seem to like what they do - I'll ask what certs the would recommend.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Varg on May 14, 2009, 05:47:40 PM
there are a billion MCSE's and CCNA's now....and both certs without practical experience lead to cheap ass companies hiring you at shitty salaries.

Thats true, but working at a cheep ass company for a year gives you a year xp for a real deal company.
I dont really agree there there is a overage of CCNA certified people either though.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: gr0n on May 14, 2009, 06:07:55 PM
Certs are good, but experience is what counts.  I'd go with whatever you could explain best in an interview, and hopefully that is something that you would enjoy as a career.  The easiest job to land would probably be a help desk gig.  Get your foot in the door, slum it for a couple of years while getting the company to pay for training and certs.  Help out the desktop support guys, try to get in there.  Maybe eventually if you have the desire and aptitude you move on to the server or network team.

A+, Net+, Security+ are all quick and easy certs to grab if you don't have them already.  A Microsoft exam or two wouldn't hurt either (XP Pro, Server 2003, whatever).  CCNA is difficult but almost a requirement if you really want to land a serious networking gig (unless you find a place that doesn't use Cisco gear).

That's my $0.02.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 14, 2009, 07:09:04 PM
I dont really agree there there is a overage of CCNA certified people either though.


Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Jim Tressel on May 14, 2009, 07:24:49 PM
I love my job and I have 0 certs.  One question that hasn't been asked: Do you have management experience?  If so, you might consider the ITIL Foundations program.  It's usually a 2 day class with a cakewalk test at the end.  Then you can leverage your management xp and the ITIL bullshit to work towards a less techy and more managey position.  Just a thought.

You could also look into the TIITB cert.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Snackcakes on May 14, 2009, 07:26:59 PM
ITIL costs a ton for the classes, just buy the books, or steal JT's

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 14, 2009, 09:02:07 PM
I love my job and I have 0 certs.  One question that hasn't been asked: Do you have management experience?  If so, you might consider the ITIL Foundations program.  It's usually a 2 day class with a cakewalk test at the end.  Then you can leverage your management xp and the ITIL bullshit to work towards a less techy and more managey position.  Just a thought.

You could also look into the TIITB cert.

I think we are all still wondering how you fell in to that job..... or sucked your way..... whichever shoe fits.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Jim Tressel on May 14, 2009, 09:38:00 PM
Spoiler Alert!

Certs are bullshit.  Experience and people skills are paramount and I've got both in spades.  I neither sucked nor fell on anything.  Maybe if you'd come to a get-together you'd realize how much people love having me around, so much so that they're willing to pay me for it...especially Turkley.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Arctic on May 15, 2009, 04:23:37 AM
My 2 cents. I left the office 10 yrs ago and havent look back. I go to work, work hard, go home. no worrie no pages no cell phones calls as to please fix this.

Personally If your looking at getting a job now i would see whats out there first really. Plus since i think everyone but thur who has responded to this post is a state employee I would go that route myself. There has to be a State web site that has the job listing.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Jim Tressel on May 15, 2009, 05:27:33 AM
Arctic, not everyone gets to be a modern day Paul Bunyan.  Hawkes has delicate little hollow bones like a bird.  He can't rough up his pretty hands doing manwork then go eat an entire herd of cattle like you.  Cut him some slack.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 15, 2009, 12:14:18 PM
Arctic, not everyone gets to be a modern day Paul Bunyan.  Hawkes has delicate little hollow bones like a bird.  He can't rough up his pretty hands doing manwork then go eat an entire herd of cattle like you.  Cut him some slack.

JT's got a point you know... I've spent almost 2 years with Palmolive.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 15, 2009, 12:47:39 PM
Sell drugs....better schedule and better money

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Turkley on May 15, 2009, 01:07:42 PM
Spoiler Alert!

Certs are bullshit.  Experience and people skills are paramount and I've got both in spades.  I neither sucked nor fell on anything.  Maybe if you'd come to a get-together you'd realize how much people love having me around, so much so that they're willing to pay me for it...especially Turkley.

What I pay you for is between you and me.

Aside from that, certs are not bullshit.  They do help.  Its true that you don't need them, you just have to be in the right place at the right time without them.  If you aren't lucky enough for that, and don't have the experience to back your word up, certs definately help.  JT has gotten lucky.  The stuff he has pulled so far in his state jobs would have had him living on the street a long time ago in the private sector.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 15, 2009, 01:21:03 PM
oh no you didnt!?!

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: thrun on May 15, 2009, 01:25:49 PM
I am in the private sector, and I have no certs.  Granted I am starting to notice a salary cap creeping on so I'll have to get some eventually to further my career.

I agree with JT that the skillz, a smile and a good hand shake get you way farther then any piece of paper. 

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Reddawn on May 15, 2009, 01:29:05 PM
I got NT4 cert WAY back in the day but never have bothered to even do anymore.....I guess if my work paid for it I might get motivated......but they want me to buy servers for 25 cents and make them work.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Hawkes on May 15, 2009, 01:48:18 PM
Turkley said it best... right place right time.  If you don't have the certs, some places won't even look at your resume.  My wife's last job was to staff a new IT department and I can tell you that 99% of what they looked at was who had what certs and the other 1% was who knew somebody.

In most cases certs are overrated, unless you really need the education.  I've been out of it for so long, I need to get back in the game and if a cert is faster than waiting for the right place, right time, then cert it is.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Jim Tressel on May 15, 2009, 03:53:19 PM
Turk, you're just mad cause I got super-crazy ninja skillz.  You need to get over it.

Title: Re: Ok tech heads.. need your advice.
Post by: Arctic on May 16, 2009, 12:09:20 AM
ok so if you cant cowgirl up and work for a living i still say looking into the Gov sector for work is an awsome place to start. I know here in Idaho you have to take an Online Pretest then they interveiw the top 10 - 15 people, This may be a good start as to what you know and what you need to know. Otherwise work on your sucking skillz... and dont forget to swallow leaves a good impresion
