
Public Forums => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Volk on January 22, 2009, 03:53:06 PM

Title: Reenlistment
Post by: Volk on January 22, 2009, 03:53:06 PM
Well, the time for re-up is upon me again. I need to have this all finished by next week if I want a bonus. 4 years for $10k. Anyway, as for the poll, I just want people's opinions on this matter. I was really hoping to go to Ft. Meade, MD after I leave Germany, but apparently the only options for me are Bliss or Riley, both of which suck for me as they both get deployed often. I know that if i go to Bliss, there is a very good chance of going to Iraq in 2010, early (January-ish). I don't know the deployment rotation for Riley, however.

As it stands, I at least know people that will be at Bliss soon, or at least after the deployment, and these people are friends. There is also a family at Riley that we know, but my wife doesn't want our son to be around their's, as he is ADHD with highly destruction disorder. We're probably going to go with Bliss in the long run, but I wanted to know what you all thought.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: thrun on January 22, 2009, 03:59:49 PM
Hmm, Iraq or Kansas that is a tough fucking choice.   

In all seriousness It's nice that you are asking for help but I wouldn't feel comfortable advising anyone on these forums on a question that serious.  Even most of the Colubmus boys who I knew before I joined the wolverines.     

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Reddawn on January 22, 2009, 04:07:09 PM
Kansas would put you near Unno and Paul's sweet lovin!

By 2010 would it be Afghanistan instead of Iraq?

I would go Texas. El Paso is cool and you can shoot at mexicans at the border if you are bored.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: ch0wdah on January 22, 2009, 04:24:28 PM
No Redstone Aresenal, eh?  Everything about Ft. Bliss sounds better.  Except it sounds more likely you will be deployed to Iraq.  Being fairly ignorant about what will really happen, I thought Obama wanted combat troops out of Iraq in 16 months?  Anyway, I've always been a civilian, so take my advice as coming from someone who doesn't know much about what you're asking.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Snackcakes on January 22, 2009, 04:29:44 PM
back in the day my father was stationed in fort bliss. all i really remember is its practically new mexico where i spent a lot of my childhood camping/fishing with the family. i was young, but have good memories of fort bliss.

my 2 cents.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Varg on January 22, 2009, 04:44:01 PM
omg your signature....

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Unnormal on January 22, 2009, 06:04:11 PM
Kansas would put you near Unno and Paul's sweet lovin!

By 2010 would it be Afghanistan instead of Iraq?

I would go Texas. El Paso is cool and you can shoot at mexicans at the border if you are bored.

I voted for Kansas!

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Virox on January 22, 2009, 06:10:02 PM
Wherever you go, were lucky tohave you reenlisting and standing up for us!  Thanks Volk!   Bliss is a better weather assignment.  Kansas sucks in winter!  wait kansas sucks year round what am i thinking!

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: skeanthu on January 23, 2009, 12:08:44 AM
Texas.  Kansas has no trees, and birds fall out of the sky there due to the sheer exhaustion of having nothing to land on.

And I echo Virox's thanks.  My dad was a 20 yearer and we were at Fort Knox at the end of his career.  He stayed where you are in Wiesbaden during the mid 50s thru mid 60s. What do you do?

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Redbear8 on January 23, 2009, 03:25:36 AM
Volk, what is it that you do in the Military? I was in Iraq for a year, and certain jobs really aren't that bad over there. That being said, I fucking HATED bliss. But I don't think Kansas is much better.

Stay out of Juarez, they like to stab army guys there. <--- I'm dead serious on this.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: JesterDTM on January 23, 2009, 04:31:48 AM
I spent three years in Hohenfels.. After that I went to Ft Lewis, which I liked a lot. You should tell them Lewis.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Volk on January 23, 2009, 06:30:45 AM
Well, to answer all of your questions, here goes. I am a Russian Voice Interceptor, which basically means I either translate Russian recordings, or as the case is where I currently am, I listen to Afghanis speaking on the radio and try to find and record the bad guys while native linguists do the translating. I don't know what I would do downrange, since I am Prophet qualified. A Prophet is a system that allows for shortrange interception either out of a Humvee, or man-pack LLVI team sitting in the middle of nowhere hoping not to found.

Thrun, as for the choices being Iraq or Kansas, that's not true. Ft. Riley is home to 1ID, which is as deployed as 1AD, which will finish the move to Bliss after their next deployment. I don't know where in the rotation schedule 1ID is and whether they are going Iraq or Afghanistan.

Yes, Obama wants troops out of Iraq in 16 months, but he wants to push more for Afghanistan to finish what was started there. Either way, I'll probably go downrange.

Now, Lewis was one of the places I wanted to go because it's closer to my home, but it's not an option right now. There is a Striker Brigade there that one of my former soldiers went to right after we got him promoted to SGT.

And yes, I would stay out of Juarez, my wife hates it there and has had bad experience. I like having my own kidneys.

And thanks for all the support, guys. I'm planning on going career if I can, so far I'm 6 1/2 years in, and the Army hasn't done too much to mess up my view of the military life. Steady pay, medical care, life insurance, and housing.

Title: Re: Reenlistment
Post by: Liladia on January 23, 2009, 09:47:36 PM
I had something all written out, but then it disappeared. Call me tomorrow if you get the chance. Personally, I don't think that either one is a great choice, but I'm leaning towards KS b/c El Paso is hot, dusty, and has terrible infrastructure (at least this is what I noticed whenever we drive through there). I don't know anything about Ft. Riley, but I wouldn't want to live in El Paso.

We're having a birthday party tonight for Marc & Nana. Wish you guys could be here!

Edit: P.S.: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Silver+Hand&n=Viviana
