
Public Forums => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Varg on January 19, 2009, 08:12:05 PM

Title: well....
Post by: Varg on January 19, 2009, 08:12:05 PM
thoughts? Personaly I think that its pretty tacky (and also against the US Flag Code http://www.usflag.org/uscode36.html#176 )

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 19, 2009, 08:21:39 PM
Meh, I've seen flags with 9/11 bullshit all over them in the bars back home.   It's all just nylon from taiwan anyways. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 19, 2009, 08:25:26 PM
It's all just nylon from taiwan anyways. 

negative. Im not a flag worshiper by any means, but this is just tacky.
Pretty sure Obama wouldnt have done this anyway. Just thought it was wrong.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 19, 2009, 08:44:27 PM

negative. Im not a flag worshiper by any means, but this is just tacky.
Pretty sure Obama wouldnt have done this anyway. Just thought it was wrong.

I don't see how it's any tackier then slapping it on lawn chairs and selling them at walmart.  People print flag print on everything they can and sell it because they can make a buck. 

I agree that the Obama campaign probably didn't have those made up, given some of his public statements about people buying flag lapel pins in leu of actually caring about their country. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Rakrarr on January 19, 2009, 08:46:59 PM
To me, displaying a flag is something only worth doing if you do it right, and I'm pretty sure that not how its supposed to work.

I guess that does make me a flag worshiper.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 19, 2009, 08:56:24 PM

I don't see how it's any tackier then slapping it on lawn chairs and selling them at walmart.  People print flag print on everything they can and sell it because they can make a buck. 

dont agree with that either.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 19, 2009, 09:00:29 PM

I don't see how it's any tackier then slapping it on lawn chairs and selling them at walmart.  People print flag print on everything they can and sell it because they can make a buck. 

dont agree with that either.

So it's ok with me to put my skidmarks on the flag but not a picture of the president? Where is the line? 


Title: Re: well....
Post by: BCBrent on January 19, 2009, 09:16:15 PM
I am more suprised on how much merch they slap Obama's face on and try and sell.  I would find the Obama flag fairly tacky, had I not already been subjected to the Obama Coins or the tons of other memorabilia.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 19, 2009, 09:20:16 PM
Shit, they slapped nixon's face on  everything and that man was hideous.



Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 19, 2009, 09:38:20 PM

I don't see how it's any tackier then slapping it on lawn chairs and selling them at walmart.  People print flag print on everything they can and sell it because they can make a buck. 

dont agree with that either.

So it's ok with me to put my skidmarks on the flag but not a picture of the president? Where is the line? 


I dont think you are understanding me. I dont think its cool to put it on weird shit. Or put weird shit on it. Just saying.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 19, 2009, 09:39:38 PM
Ah, I thought you ment that you disagreed with me on both counts.   My bad. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: JesterDTM on January 19, 2009, 09:50:15 PM
What I think is lame, is that we have a super crappy economy, and the federal government is wasting 150,000,000 dollars for what really should be about an hour ceremony on one day.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Arctic on January 19, 2009, 11:47:46 PM
A) IMO if you take watergate out if the picture, Nixon would have went down as one of the better pres., He opened up the door to china, he did lay the ground work for our with draw in Vetiman. But in the end His ego got in the way.

B) In the End, big Flag guy or not. Thats one thing that makes this country great. You can do what you want, If you dont like it dont buy it.  Think about it how many people had pictures of Stalin up that didnt want to. 

C) last but not least, While Jester is right with our economy in the Shitter ( being one of the 7.6 % i can truly contest to this )I think the money could be spent in a better way. But I do see the need for the message this will send people both near and far. Do I  think he's the great hope to end all suffering, No. But I do fell alot more inspired by him then I have been in the last 8 yrs.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Kastil on January 20, 2009, 12:38:55 AM
I just want to know when M.L.K.'s dream of everyone living in equality turned into "All I really wanted was a black man as the President"?


Title: Re: well....
Post by: Jim Tressel on January 20, 2009, 12:50:29 AM
I agree with everything posted so far.

People are horrible.  That's all there is to it.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: ch0wdah on January 20, 2009, 01:27:43 AM
Went to a gift store at Times Square and not only do they sell the I <3 NY stuff, little statues of Liberty, FDNY and NYPD stuff (proceeds got to said organizations, don't get crazy), they also sold a TON of Obama themed stuff.  Bunch of New York stuff.  Obama stuff.  People want to buy, they want to sell.  (The ASSMAN NY license plae was the best item in the store.)

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 04:31:53 AM
I agree with artic, freedom of choice is a good thing.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Unnormal on January 20, 2009, 04:52:10 AM
Freedom of choice... is meaningless rhetoric. It just sounds good. I can't choose to kill JT, or shoot heroin. Not that this is crucial to this discussion, I just hate that phrase.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Volk on January 20, 2009, 06:26:50 AM
I also agree with everything said in this thread. I'm already getting sick and tired of everyone praising Obama as the Returning Messiah. And putting any image on the flag is against federal law, but unfortunately, most people just don't care.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 12:46:24 PM
I think it's cool that people are excited about a president again, when was the last time this happened?  Regan? Kennedy? Help me out I was born in 80. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Reddawn on January 20, 2009, 12:51:12 PM
Reagen for sure....Carter was a baggadouche. All the dopey women was excited for Clinton

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 01:18:02 PM
All the dopey women was excited for Clinton

We never should have given them the vote.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Gristle on January 20, 2009, 02:57:04 PM
In a time long ago, people were dignified and honored the flag with the respect and ideals that it stood for, not the nylon or cloth it was made out of.

It's just sad to see such garbage, it goes beyond freedom of choice.  In America you choose to be unemployed.  McDonald's is always hiring until you find something better.  It's just bullshit rhetoric by two generations of slack ass people that live on the fat of their forefathers.

Half the people don't honor or respect the country, they think America is the great evil of the world.  So you can't expect them to respect the flag.  I believe all the bleeding heart liberals and jaded middle america should have to spend a week in these 3rd world countries and face the harsh realities of the world, and open your eyes to what you take for granted every single second of your life in this country.

Okay, I feel better.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Reddawn on January 20, 2009, 03:06:27 PM
In America you choose to be unemployed.  McDonald's is always hiring until you find something better.  It's just bullshit rhetoric by two generations of slack ass people that live on the fat of their forefathers.

or Walmart...or 8,000,000 other places

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Arctic on January 20, 2009, 03:11:33 PM
In America you choose to be unemployed.  McDonald's is always hiring until you find something better.  It's just bullshit rhetoric by two generations of slack ass people that live on the fat of their forefathers.

or Walmart...or 8,000,000 other places
This is not true, Trust me. I have looked everyware right now, I know in Idaho we dont have it as bad as others but when theres an average of 400 + apps per opening, More for the less skilled jobs like walmart. Its not that simple. I have been Unemplyed for to long now and no one is hiring, thats just the truth.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 03:23:32 PM
It's just sad to see such garbage, it goes beyond freedom of choice.  In America you choose to be unemployed.  McDonald's is always hiring until you find something better.  It's just bullshit rhetoric by two generations of slack ass people that live on the fat of their forefathers.

Half the people don't honor or respect the country, they think America is the great evil of the world.  So you can't expect them to respect the flag.  I believe all the bleeding heart liberals and jaded middle america should have to spend a week in these 3rd world countries and face the harsh realities of the world, and open your eyes to what you take for granted every single second of your life in this country.

Okay, I feel better.

1.  I can't support 2 kids on a McDonalds pay check (granted that's why I don't have any kids), yes people need to be personaly acountable but telling some one who just got laid off of a decent factory job to go flip burgers for 6 bucks an hour isn't much of an answer.  

2.  Fuck my forefathers, it's baby boomer bankers and schemers that are tanking our economy right now.  

3.  Our country does some shit to other countries and to it's own people that is fucking deplorable,   I don't blame any one in the slightest for getting mad about things like this.


 That doesn't mean I don't want to live here, or hate the place.  


I am also sick of conservatives wishing harm on this country

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Unnormal on January 20, 2009, 04:08:15 PM
I am also sick of conservatives wishing harm on this country

GTFO thats one guy saying he hopes Obama fails. Not because he wishes harm on the country but because he believes his policies and massive expansion of government will be disastrous for this country. Conservatives wishing harm on this country ??? sometimes Thrun I don't know if I should laugh or cry at your hard left talking points.

On the other hand the success of the democrat party over the last 8 years has hinged on how bad the economy and Iraq was. The worse things got the better it is for the democrats.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 04:14:46 PM
Meh, whenever I hear people bitch about "bleeding heart liberals" it sounds as ridiculous anything I've said about rush in the past 20 minutes.  

Besides, you are a damn communist anyways.  Wanting to take my hard earned money for taxes "for the greater good" 


The Bush regime saw one of the largest expansions of government in our history, and you are right.  It was disasterous. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Unnormal on January 20, 2009, 04:21:18 PM
So if I would have asked you for years ago if you wanted bush to fail what would the answer have been?

I'm saying the idea of taxes SHOULD BE a pooling of resources for the greater good of the country and not all the BS it has become and continues to be.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 20, 2009, 04:40:21 PM
Rush is not a conservative. He is a freak that gets rating by being a shock jock just like Stern does.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 04:41:22 PM
I never wanted that man a president,  I liked McCain for the republican nomination in 2000.  I think I've said that before, he seemed way more on the ball then.  

ANYWHO, I wanted Bush to succeed.  I think he was presented with historic and unfortunate opportunity early on in his presidency to stand up and be a world leader.  So far I think he has majorly dropped the ball, I guess history will tell.  

I want all our politicians to succeed. Not necessarily succeed at every hair brained scheme one of them comes up with but succeed in keeping this a great place to be.  Do I want Obama and congress to find a way to safely bring our boys home, hell ya i do.  do I want them to be able to help turn around this economic slow down?  You bet your ass I do.  

Also, stop trying to redistribute my wealth for the common good you hippy.  

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Reddawn on January 20, 2009, 04:43:54 PM
Rush is not a conservative. He is a freak that gets rating by being a shock jock just like Stern does.

Rush isn't a shock jock.......he just believes his own bullshit.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 20, 2009, 04:45:48 PM
Rush is not a conservative. He is a freak that gets rating by being a shock jock just like Stern does.

Rush isn't a shock jock.......he just believes his own bullshit.

That may be the case, but he is going so far out there into lala land that a lot of conservative/republicans are not taking him seriously. His show really is entertainment, not news.
At any rate, i wouldnt say he is the voice of the party.


Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 04:47:42 PM

Rush Limbaugh is the voice of the party.

you just said it!   

(sorry I can't help myself sometimes)

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Gristle on January 20, 2009, 04:56:12 PM
Lol Thrun.  You resorted to G00gl3z links, you win the intarweb.

1) You can support 2 kids on a McDonald's paycheck, you just can't live like a fat ass typical lazy overindulged American is used to.  Wake up.  If somone is having trouble on that check, maybe they should get another part-time job . Or find a way to get some type of skills to get a higher paying job. Because you know, some people don't have Unions to pay you 30 bucks an hour for nothing. That is what is drowning this country.  We are the haves in the world economy, yet we continually whine when we have to give up the super sized value meals when gas prices get a fraction within what the rest of the world is already paying.

2)  Forefather's in this sense was meant as our fathers and grandfathers, the ones that fought in the World Wars.  They gave you the right to post pretty pics of your beard and allow you to have a guitar and a band.  I subscribe to the conspiracy theory of mysterious schemers and world domination by those sometimes known as 'them' or 'other people' so I'll agree with your 2nd point.  The truth is, it's everyone's fault in this country because very few of us are doing anything to change it.  Owait...Obama is gonna do all that.

3)  Those three acts are NOTHING at all compared to the realities faced every single day in most countries and people across the world.  How about your elected president building palaces for his 8 wives, while maggots eat your 2 year old child because you have no running water or food?  HayIkinG00glez.

C'mon dude, anyone can google singular events to support an internet arguement.  That shit is old and tired, and not a very strong counterpoint to reality.

Lastly, shit like this infuriates me.  But you know what, I respect your right to your opinion, not the opinion itself.   That's what makes this country great, dipshits like you are allowed to breed and carry on.

I love you man.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 05:05:38 PM
1) Hey artic you are bum and you need to get a job, love gristle

3) So wait,  sighting references is some how a bad thing?   Are you just going to take my word that our government intentionally poisoned or given diseases to people?   That our government has removed democratically elected leaders to serve it's own purposes?     

So a president rolling around in a limo while your family watches you die of syphalis is some how less abohrid then a president with 8 wives sitting around while maggots eat a kid?  How do you assign a higher value to one or the other? 

Fuck yes I have it good here, that doesn't mean everyone does and that doesn't mean this place is perfect. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 20, 2009, 05:26:07 PM

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 05:40:01 PM
That bitch isn't even 'merican. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Unnormal on January 20, 2009, 05:50:43 PM
Also, stop trying to redistribute my wealth for the common good you hippy.   

Says the man who can't acknowledge the difference between roads and welfare, because it would debase his entire political belief system.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Gristle on January 20, 2009, 06:09:49 PM
It's unamerican to post on game forums while the Innoculation is happening.  Go watch history foos!

Edit:  Oh shit, speaking of Unamerican I just saw Jimmy Carter!

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 06:37:28 PM
Also, stop trying to redistribute my wealth for the common good you hippy.  

Says the man who can't acknowledge the difference between roads and welfare, because it would debase his entire political belief system.

You know you are a bottom feeder right? That the amount of services you recieve from the government in no way are paid for by the amount of taxes you pay.  You are every bit as much of a mooch as the section 8 family on welfare down the street.   The majority of the money going in to the government right now comes from the truely rich and corporations.

How does it feel to be a burden on the productive members of society? 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Reddawn on January 20, 2009, 06:48:53 PM
How about everyone just shuts the fuck up and let's talk about the 3.0.8 patch?

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 06:49:55 PM
I'm getting some much needed dps buffs, it'll be sweet. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Jim Tressel on January 20, 2009, 07:16:53 PM
People are horrible.  That's all there is to it.


Title: Re: well....
Post by: Kastil on January 20, 2009, 07:37:22 PM
How about everyone just shuts the fuck up and let's talk about the 3.0.8 patch?

Taking down the damage on volley? Fuckers!  And 6 second cooldown on Circle of Healing without a mana cost lowering?  Seriously, what are these bastards thinking.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Gristle on January 20, 2009, 07:41:29 PM
Nerf effing Druids, that's what the hell they need to do.  Redistribute some of that POWAH baby.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 20, 2009, 07:43:43 PM
I don't even want the other classes nerfed, I just want every one to rip as much ass as everyone else.  Give me a fucking immunity to everything or a way to escape/stunn the crap out of some one. 

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Kastil on January 20, 2009, 07:45:03 PM
I'm just of the idea that you shouldn't nerf tanking or healing classes.  A little overpowered for PVE = good with me.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: BCBrent on January 21, 2009, 11:52:17 PM
Ok back on topic people, silly things with obama's image being put on them.

Shit, they slapped nixon's face on  everything and that man was hideous.



I see your Nixon coins and raise you the Obama Action Figure.



Title: Re: well....
Post by: Arctic on January 22, 2009, 12:08:15 AM
Ok back on topic people, silly things with obama's image being put on them.

Shit, they slapped nixon's face on  everything and that man was hideous.



I see your Nixon coins and raise you the Obama Action Figure.



Ill trump ya, Ill body slam you Action figure with mine

because i ant got time to bleed

Title: Re: well....
Post by: BCBrent on January 22, 2009, 12:22:46 AM
I can't get over that pose Barak is doing with the gun.

edit: also the samauri swords one in the link I posted

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Volk on January 22, 2009, 05:14:15 AM
And now Obama is fighting Darth Vader? WTF is that?!?

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 22, 2009, 02:03:30 PM
no words

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 22, 2009, 02:11:59 PM

Title: Re: well....
Post by: Varg on January 22, 2009, 04:01:03 PM
Thrun, you just warped reality with that post. I just want you to know that.

Title: Re: well....
Post by: thrun on January 22, 2009, 04:12:51 PM
That's what I do man, that's what I do. 
