
Public Forums => Tech Talk => Topic started by: thrun on December 15, 2008, 01:15:07 PM

Title: My first Vista gripe
Post by: thrun on December 15, 2008, 01:15:07 PM
I lost my mother board this weekend, and I replaced it with the same model minus the SLI since I never used it anyways.  So it wasn't exactly the same model, but close enough.  When I booted it blue screened and I had to reinstall. 

I didn’t lose anything since I am good about back ups, but I was a little disappointed because I recall XP handling motherboard swamps like a champ.

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Snackcakes on December 15, 2008, 01:51:59 PM
prob just a driver issue with the new motherboard.

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Kith on December 15, 2008, 04:00:28 PM
Did you use the 'repair' utility on the Vista install disc?  That little gem is one of the best things about Vista -- can save a ton of time and aggravation on little issues like this.

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: thrun on December 15, 2008, 04:18:51 PM
I didn't see it when I booted off the disk I have, it went straight in to the install.  I probably clicked through things to fast and missed it.  Either that or I am going to blame it on being one of those P.O.S. "restore disks"

I guess I was just expecting it to boot, load the new drivers and give me a little guff but not too much.  I seem to recall throwing a new board in with XP with no regard to manufacturer or drivers and having it work in the end so I was kinda hoping vista would have been better about it. 

Could have just been luck of the draw though. 

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Jim Tressel on December 15, 2008, 04:37:55 PM
If it was a different model motherboard at all, this doesn't surprise me.  The HAL might have been a little too different for it to boot.

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Hawkes on December 15, 2008, 09:49:26 PM
The most important question is, did they two motherboards share the same chipset?  If not, that's the reason why.


Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: thrun on December 16, 2008, 03:55:00 AM
The most important question is, did they two motherboards share the same chipset?  If not, that's the reason why.


Same manufacture and model number, one was just the SLI version.  I guess that doesn't mean 100% but jeebus.  WAA WAA I like complaining. 

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Phat31198 on December 16, 2008, 04:19:06 AM
I just went from the Asus P5wd2 Premium to an Asus P5q Premium

Did windows xp repair install and bam Im up again no probelms I don't understand how Vista doesn't have this Feature




And I went from 65 degrees c idle to 24 degree c idle 16 phase is a DREAM

Same CPU too But im getting the q6600 next paycheck -_-

Title: Re: My first Vista gripe
Post by: Aldoran on December 16, 2008, 11:51:32 AM
I've always had to reinstall XP when motherboard swapping. I only recall one time when I did not, and that was when my replacement had the same chipset as the last one.

XP and Vista still use the old NT HAL system, which speeds up hardware-software interaction but often shits itself when changing hardware.

Generally, I recommend a fresh install on any PC that you make a radicl hardware change on. It's just good practice.

Lock: You got a 41 degree drop? Just read the reviews, and that is one hell of a cool board. (pun definitely intended)
