
Public Forums => Tech Talk => Topic started by: Mev on March 15, 2008, 04:16:22 PM

Title: I need help with wireless internet networking
Post by: Mev on March 15, 2008, 04:16:22 PM
I can't seem to connect to my apt's wireless network anymore.  I can connect to a hotel thats nearby but it cuts out every 15min because of such a shitty connection.  If anyone can help me troubleshoot my Internet connection settings send me a message on the forum.



Title: Re: I need help with wireless internet networking
Post by: Ziprar on March 15, 2008, 06:28:16 PM
Have you tried rebooting your router and modem?  I know it sounds stupid, but hey.  It's a first step.

If that doesn't work, directly connect your router to a computer using network cable, then check the wireless inet setting on it to make sure some jackass didn't reset it or something.  Or change the SSID and set it to not broadcast said SSID.

Title: Re: I need help with wireless internet networking
Post by: Mev on March 17, 2008, 03:43:59 AM
The router i use is my Apt complex's router.  Can't directly connect because i have no clue where it is.  Besides even if i did it's probably WAY too far.  I'm using it right now i just got back from out of town.  I didn't turn off my computer so i know its not on my end.  I guess if it does it again i'm going to just have to call them and bitch... Oh well

Title: Re: I need help with wireless internet networking
Post by: Unnormal on March 17, 2008, 05:46:43 AM
do you use any downloading software for music or software, I did at my apt and when they catch you they ban not only your ip but you mac address which is kind of a pain but i got a beautiful program that changes you mac address for your wireless at will. Just let me know if you want to try it ill try to find it for ya.  I think the It guys gave up after a few weeks of changing my mac everytime i connected.
