Title: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 08, 2008, 07:37:12 PM Hey guys... I know a lot of you don't have kids so you may not have any Disney movies, however, I do and collect the codes for rewards points. If any of you have any Disney movies, whether they are animations or not, and the DVD case shows the rewards points logo on the bottom right or left on the front o the case and you have no interest in Disney merchandise, I would greatly greatly appreciate if you gave them to me via PM. The movies I could use are the Pirates of the Caribbean series, regular or Blu-Ray, as well as some others. Just send me a PM and let me know what you have and I will let you know if I can use the code. I appreciate your help and my daughter's will too when they can get something cool from Disney.
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 10, 2008, 12:56:38 AM Nobody????? Surely some of you must have something......
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Arctic on March 10, 2008, 01:10:03 AM sry hawkes quit buying Disney movies about 3 grades ago
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Jim Tressel on March 10, 2008, 02:38:50 AM Hang on, I might have some of Turkley's DVD's around here somewhere.
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hoofenstomp on March 10, 2008, 03:06:42 PM What will I get in return? I dont want your daughters getting free stuff when I had to shell out cash so my girlfriend could watch some flamboyent pirate defeat more flamboyent pirates in Flamboyent Pirates 2 & 3: The Same Shit you Saw Last Time!
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Auralea on March 10, 2008, 03:10:38 PM Hey.... I <3 Johnny Depp! He is far more superior to you in being flamboyant and your just jealous! Plus he is uber HOT!
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Turkley on March 10, 2008, 03:11:28 PM Hang on, I might have some of Turkley's DVD's around here somewhere. Shut it JT. Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 10, 2008, 03:57:15 PM What will I get in return? I dont want your daughters getting free stuff when I had to shell out cash so my girlfriend could watch some flamboyent pirate defeat more flamboyent pirates in Flamboyent Pirates 2 & 3: The Same Shit you Saw Last Time! A big humongous thank you for supporting your wonderful website administrator and his family. Oh and I won't expect to see a donation from you this year.... will that work? Seriously, if you will use them then please do so, but a lot of people have no interest in the figurines and little plush toys and stuff so I figured I would ask. I have a code for Dead Man's Chest already. I need the other two. Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Reddawn on March 10, 2008, 03:58:55 PM Turkley......Hannah Montana is disney grab your codes
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hoofenstomp on March 10, 2008, 04:59:19 PM Quote Oh and I won't expect to see a donation from you this year.... will that work? My donation comes in the form of love. Kind of like a care bear share, minus the caring or sharing. Scratch the love too. I have no idea if we have the codes you need, but I'll ask Aura. Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 10, 2008, 06:43:11 PM Thanks bro/
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Jim Tressel on March 11, 2008, 11:12:06 PM so lemme get this straight, you can only turn in 1 code for each movie? What if you have 3 copies of the same movie? Disney sucks.
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 11, 2008, 11:20:53 PM correct... only 1 code per movie.
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Unnormal on March 11, 2008, 11:24:31 PM I looked for ya hawkes only have a few disney dvd's and couldn't find your fancy codes on any of them prolly to old.
Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hiptotorus on March 11, 2008, 11:35:45 PM Sorry fella,
I have all the movies but... I don't keep the cases. They have long been land fill. :( I'll ask around though. Title: Re: Disney Movie Rewards - C'mon Help out! Post by: Hawkes on March 11, 2008, 11:42:44 PM thanks for checking... keepup the good work folks!