Title: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Arkanine on February 18, 2008, 04:51:01 PM Anybody get into beta,a buddy of mine did..Can't wait to see how it will look...
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: thrun on February 18, 2008, 06:29:21 PM I will buy it when it comes out, if it rocks I will sell my wow account. What are lvl 70 shamans worth these days? 10-15 bucks?
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Snackcakes on February 18, 2008, 07:34:23 PM I'll definately try it, but from what i've seen in the past it basically looks like a re-skinned version of WoW, but I'll give it a shot.
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Turkley on February 18, 2008, 07:51:47 PM I'll definately try it, but from what i've seen in the past it basically looks like a re-skinned version of WoW, but I'll give it a shot. Actually, its a reskinned version of Dark Ages of Camelot. The pvp system is taken straight from there. This is a good thing too because pvp in DAoC blows WoW out of the water. The questing system though I think was modeled after WoW. Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Snackcakes on February 18, 2008, 08:28:29 PM I'll definately try it, but from what i've seen in the past it basically looks like a re-skinned version of WoW, but I'll give it a shot. Actually, its a reskinned version of Dark Ages of Camelot. The pvp system is taken straight from there. This is a good thing too because pvp in DAoC blows WoW out of the water. The questing system though I think was modeled after WoW. I never saw the appeal of DAoC ... Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Reddawn on February 18, 2008, 08:38:20 PM careful....there are a lot of DAoC'ers in here
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: thrun on February 18, 2008, 09:16:57 PM I'll definately try it, but from what i've seen in the past it basically looks like a re-skinned version of WoW, but I'll give it a shot. Meh, WoW ripped it's look/world off of warhammer. Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Hoofenstomp on February 21, 2008, 03:54:32 PM I'd rather wait for a 40K MMo from Warhammer, I heard it was in the works but nothing lately from thier camp.
I'd rather blast stuff as an Ultramarine or a Terror-Raptor then run around with more swords and bows. Unless it's one of those chainsaw power swords, thats fine.... Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: ch0wdah on February 21, 2008, 04:01:48 PM They love the Warhammer in Europe. There was a Games Workshop store in Versailles.
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Hoofenstomp on February 21, 2008, 04:04:23 PM Yeah, if you go to the GW site you can see they are a major player over there.
Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: Varg on February 21, 2008, 08:05:44 PM Hell yes, I am all over this. APPLY FOR BETA! We should really consider applying to there guild beta program. Your whole guild comes into beta together. If you have not been following this here are a few things I think are fucking rad:
Open Field PVP - huge battles Sieging cities- you can cap the enemy's city and pillage it/burn it to the ground Cool guild shit- the game is designed to have guilds play a huge role, not just a glorified buddy list. Guilds get points for there activity, get certain benefits for the guild members when the leaders spend these points. Get all kinds of stuff to make your guild stand out, banners to give to guide-ons to carry into battle, capturing enemy banners give points/benefits. Most importantly, its a pvp game (with pve content if you want to do that) not the other way around like WoW. I cant wait for this to come out. Title: Re: WARHAMMER...ANybody gonna play??? Post by: thrun on February 21, 2008, 08:56:16 PM Hell yes, I am all over this. APPLY FOR BETA! We should really consider applying to there guild beta program. Your whole guild comes into beta together. If you have not been following this here are a few things I think are fucking rad: Open Field PVP - huge battles Sieging cities- you can cap the enemy's city and pillage it/burn it to the ground Cool guild shit- the game is designed to have guilds play a huge role, not just a glorified buddy list. Guilds get points for there activity, get certain benefits for the guild members when the leaders spend these points. Get all kinds of stuff to make your guild stand out, banners to give to guide-ons to carry into battle, capturing enemy banners give points/benefits. Most importantly, its a pvp game (with pve content if you want to do that) not the other way around like WoW. I cant wait for this to come out. You can level all the way up, solely on Player kills. |