Title: TeamSpeak Help Post by: Kdehner on February 12, 2008, 04:44:26 AM Hey Friends, i have a computer with windows vista ultimate edition on it. But my problem is when i install teamspeak i can talk. Unno has walked me trough the steps he used to fix his. and we just cant seem to get it fixed. so, any one else have any suggestions at get getting my ability to insult jugz's mom in an instance back?
Only questin i can think of to help my self is. is there a teamspeak vista version? Title: Re: TeamSpeak Help Post by: Hawkes on February 12, 2008, 05:20:06 AM No, no version for vista. Have someone who can talk grab me on TS one night. We'll figure it out.
Title: Re: TeamSpeak Help Post by: Kdehner on February 12, 2008, 06:32:18 AM Sweet, thanks