Title: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Jim Tressel on February 05, 2008, 06:12:39 AM ...wait, reverse that. I did some homework on this. The first time I watched it, it was just really creepy and awkward cause I didn't know what the acronyms he was using meant. Now that I know, it's even creepier and more awkward. When he says "KSW", this stands for "Keep Scientology Working". KSW is a series of texts written by the great L. Ron himself intended to make sure that Scientology is not "being abused". When he says "SP", he's referring to a "Suppressive Person", a term applied to "enemies" of the "Church" of Scientology. Enjoy.
http://gawker.com/5002269/the-cruise-indoctrination-video-scientology-tried-to-suppress Thank Xenu for YTMND!!!! http://cruiseoprah.ytmnd.com/ http://hubbardlol.ytmnd.com/ Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Turkley on February 05, 2008, 01:30:04 PM Most of what he says in that makes no sense whatsoever. There is a lot of circular logic in there and to think this numbskull is second in command really is a good representation of validity of this crap.
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Snackcakes on February 05, 2008, 01:33:29 PM Hmm sounds like you've done a lot of reasearch JT ... trying to test the waters around here and then convert us to your cult?!!11
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Jim Tressel on February 05, 2008, 02:28:58 PM Sam, either get in the playing field or get out of the arena!
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Garenth on February 05, 2008, 02:40:29 PM I think Tom needs to head to Africa and the Middle east and spread the word of peace! I'm sure they will lay down their guns and stop taking lives when they have been properly indoctrinated!
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Jim Tressel on February 05, 2008, 07:03:27 PM Garenth, don't be such an SP or I will have to go through my tech. It's not how to run from an SP, it's PTSSP: shatter suppression. Confront and shatter suppression.
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Jim Tressel on February 05, 2008, 07:04:01 PM Looks like the good folks at SuperDeluxe aren't going to miss an opportunity to lay into Cruise!
http://www.superdeluxeblog.com/2008/01/22/tom-cruise-scientology-video-spoof-slam-super-deluxe-vs-funny-or-die/ Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: gr0n on February 05, 2008, 11:26:34 PM What a nutjob! The acronyms...lol... it's amazing how far out of touch with reality this fucker is.
I know. You know? I just...know. I want to go rump. Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Unnormal on February 06, 2008, 10:21:07 AM http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/263120# CLick watch this movie this guy does a bunch of these informative comedy sketches there all worth checking out
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Jim Tressel on February 29, 2008, 08:55:50 PM [yt=425,350]NK3fvKWT-tI[/yt]
Title: Re: At least Tom Cruise isn't totally fucking nuts... Post by: Phat31198 on March 04, 2008, 08:41:58 PM What is truly amazing is how his popularity seems to be at a standstill its kind of like MJ touching little boys u can't kill a die hard fan