Title: Partition recovery Post by: Ziprar on November 08, 2007, 05:08:46 PM Would anyone know of a good partition recovery tool? I've had a few machines come in where everything on them is fine EXCEPT the partition table. Lovely. If I could find a way to repair the partitions, I could just get 'em fixed up until the person realizes they probably either A) Need a new hard drive or B) Shouldn't be SCREWING AROUND WITH SOFTWARE THEY DON'T KNOW. Ahem.
Any advice would be much appreciated. Title: Re: Partition recovery Post by: DapperDave on November 09, 2007, 03:59:07 PM I've had some success with PartitionDoctor (http://www.ptdd.com/ (http://www.ptdd.com/)) - good luck, I know these situations can be a pain.
~Dave |