Title: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Reddawn on November 02, 2007, 02:27:59 PM http://www.slickdealz.net/ (http://www.slickdealz.net/)
I just bought one...sweeeeeet Bestbuy for Business has Toshiba HD-A2 1080i HD-DVD player for $100 - 10% coupon SURV7DAYS + $9 S/H = $99. Thanks magnumis This player also qualifies for 5 select free HD DVDs avter mail-in rebate (fillable form). Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 02, 2007, 02:50:21 PM crap... they removed the buy button and are asking people to call.
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 02, 2007, 03:02:19 PM Just saw this too...
http://holiday.ri-walmart.com/?section=secret Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 02, 2007, 03:12:40 PM yea, Walmart is having some pretty sick sales leading up to Christmas. Right now (today), $998 for a 50" Plasma HDTV and $398 for an Everex(?) laptop.
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Reddawn on November 02, 2007, 04:04:13 PM That sucks! oh well glad I got it when i did
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: BCBrent on November 02, 2007, 04:20:02 PM We've been wanting to get my dad a laptop for his business.. I bet a 350 wouldn't be too bad.. then I could just buy a better battery so it would last longer then I'd be in business!
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 02, 2007, 05:02:07 PM Walmart is gone too...
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: BCBrent on November 02, 2007, 05:06:16 PM I thought it said it were in store specials...
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 02, 2007, 05:07:55 PM It is in store only but good luck finding a walmart that has any in stock at this point.
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 03, 2007, 01:59:53 AM yea, VERY limited stock. I bet I'm gunna get a hundred complaints tomorrow (electronics is ftl until after christmas)
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 03, 2007, 02:39:54 AM yeah bitch.... wassup with that? you didn't give us any early 'fo?
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 04, 2007, 06:37:42 AM haha, I'll give you early 'fo when you reopen your store in the summer ;)
honestly, I hear about things about the same time you do. Since I only work the weekends, I dont hear shit. Back over the summer when I was working 40hr/wk, I heard everything, and even then, it was nowhere near everthing that was coming out. I found out about us selling Dell computers through Slashdot, and the next day we were told by our manager. If it helps, today we have a 26" RCA LCD HDTV for $378, and Wii's in stock at all stores, lol. Also, check the website 2-3 days before Black Friday, thats roughly when we put out the "door buster" deals. Last year, I got a 52" Rear Projection for $400. Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 04, 2007, 03:07:11 PM Yeah I remember the 52" you got... how is it holding up? Worth the $400?
Oh and yeah... my storee will be open in the summer again. :) Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 04, 2007, 03:31:13 PM worth it and more, it was an RCA to boot (not the Visio no-name brand). Definitely fun to see Mario (from SMB1) larger than your index finger on a TV screen.
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Silentknife on November 04, 2007, 10:33:05 PM where do you work?
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 05, 2007, 02:51:46 AM WalMart, Electronics Associate
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Troyer on November 05, 2007, 03:26:40 PM Best Buy has Toshiba HD-A3 HD DVD player for $199. Choose in-store pickup to save on shipping, otherwise it's $8. Lowest on PriceGrabber for the player from a reputable retailer is $284.
You also can choose up to 2 HD DVD titles free instantly (excludes preorders and boxsets) and get 5 more select HD DVD titles after mail-in rebate. The player comes with HD DVDs of 300 and Bourne Identity in the box, giving you a total of 9 HD DVDs. http://slickdeals.net/?pno=10614&lno=1&afsrc=1 Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Jim Tressel on November 05, 2007, 09:30:47 PM Wait til Black Friday. Sears will have the HD-A3 +5 free HD-DVD's for $169. That is a hellugood deal! Even if you don't want to spend money on new HD media (which you should if you have a brain at all), it will still upconvert the hell out of your old SD discs.
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Reddawn on November 14, 2007, 06:40:08 PM my A3 shipped today. sweeeeeet
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 15, 2007, 05:31:06 AM rumor has it WalMart has a "large Flat panel TV" as a doorbuster. My estimate: 37"-42" LCD for ~$500. OR a 47" Plasma for $800ish
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Hawkes on November 15, 2007, 03:31:34 PM is that black friday kronads?
Title: Re: GET YOUR HD DVD PLAYER NOW! FOR CHEEPZ! $100 Post by: Krogoth on November 16, 2007, 12:53:45 AM yessir
and those items are completely my guesstimation. Just running off previous experience/internal experience. |