
Public Forums => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Liladia on September 05, 2007, 09:35:13 AM

Title: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: Liladia on September 05, 2007, 09:35:13 AM
So our newly solo cat, Gabe, had been looking kind of lonely.  After much deliberation, V & I decided to try out a companion for him.  Meet Buckaroo (who is likely to be renamed):




Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: miedward on September 05, 2007, 11:41:09 AM
Awww...  but you better watch out.

Sum cats is for bite heds!

...at least thats what I hear...

Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: Turkley on September 05, 2007, 12:23:14 PM
I think its only fair that someone take advantage of this situation.......


Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: miedward on September 05, 2007, 05:01:45 PM
More! More!  ;D

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: Reddawn on September 05, 2007, 08:04:42 PM
My cat is world famous. He appeared on a bottle of Jones Soda!


PROOF!!!! (second from right)


Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: Turkley on September 05, 2007, 10:08:47 PM
Its fitting for you to have a crosseyed cat joel.

Title: Re: Sum cats is 4 kittenz?
Post by: Reddawn on September 05, 2007, 10:17:33 PM
that picture is a few years old when we first got him as a stray. He was malnourished. Now he is a bona fide fire breathing badass. I could command him to rip out your larynx with a snap of a finger.
