
Public Forums => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Jim Tressel on July 31, 2007, 06:50:19 PM

Title: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Jim Tressel on July 31, 2007, 06:50:19 PM
A tragic day is bearing down upon all of us in the greater Columbus area.  This is a horror more grievous (not the general) than the black plague, more terrible than both World Wars, more unbelievably disappointing than Van Helsing and The Brothers Grimm combined:  I'm moving.

The end of August marks the end of a 6 year run in my most pimptacular of houses.  To celebrate the life, and now death, of my tenure at 2103 Summit St. (aka: Summit Hall, aka: Lord Hall Annex, aka: off-site data & equipment storage), I will be hosting a drinkfest of the drunkest proportions this coming Friday, August 3rd. 

All are welcome, if not required, to attend.  Bring yourself, your favorite drinking mug, as many friends as you'd like, and a readiness to get totally shitfaced.  Doors open at whenever you show up.  I have 7 liters of Beam's 8 Star that need to be housed, so no pissing and moaning about doing Trailer Parks...you WILL be doing them.  Beer is on the house.  If you have specific drinking needs (wine coolers, mixed drinks, diet mixers, etc.) you will need to provide that shit for yourself cause I won't endure the embarrassment of having to ask for that nonsense in public.

Caleb out.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Turkley on July 31, 2007, 06:57:38 PM
Let the games begin.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: BCBrent on July 31, 2007, 07:06:40 PM
You know.. I was just saying the other day its been a loon gwhile since the last time I got completely and utterly shitfaced (ok.. a couple months) so what better excuse to kill my liver than drink a ton of trailer parks this weekend.  Since I'm doing that.. I'll have to see about bringing some cigars or something to kill the lungs with too on the front porch.  I'll see if I can get a friend or 2 interested as well.

Viva la summit hall!

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: gr0n on July 31, 2007, 08:43:37 PM
Chances appear to be good for a still-hungover Kara run Saturday!!!!  Woohoo!!!

I can't believe this is actually the end... so right now is like the beginning of the end... and soon there will be a new beginning at my house, which is the end of the beginning for me since I've been there a few months already.  I'm beginning to think I need to end this post right...now.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Reddawn on July 31, 2007, 09:42:58 PM
dammit....I am 99% sure I will be in Chicago :(

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Jim Tressel on August 01, 2007, 04:55:08 PM
I am 99% sure you need to cancel your trip to Chicago.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Reddawn on August 01, 2007, 11:19:07 PM
trip cancelled!

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Clifton on August 02, 2007, 04:52:43 AM
where are you moving?

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Jim Tressel on August 02, 2007, 05:27:31 AM
I'm moving about 15 minutes away into Volnar's recently purchased house.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Reddawn on August 02, 2007, 06:08:06 PM
what time is the soirée starting?

Nick I will grab some stoagies also

also I won't puke off the front porch again

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Garenth on August 02, 2007, 06:59:52 PM
I'm moving about 15 minutes away into Volnar's recently purchased house.

Oh shit I'll alert the police to keep an eye out for you.  You'll be just down the road from me then!!

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Jim Tressel on August 02, 2007, 07:51:53 PM
Party starts whenever.  Usually things start picking up around 10ish, but it might be earlier tomorrow because a lot of work people are coming straight from work.  Puking off the front porch is fine.  Just don't shit on the couch.  I'm tired of buying new couches.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Arctic on August 03, 2007, 04:34:00 AM
  Just don't shit on the couch.  I'm tired of buying new couches.

Theres a story behind this statment .  I belive it should be shared

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Jim Tressel on August 03, 2007, 07:09:13 AM
There's a couple stories behind that statement.  Neither are suitable for human consumption.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Krogoth on August 03, 2007, 05:20:32 PM
I am intrigued

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Bleezy on August 03, 2007, 06:33:28 PM
There's a couple stories behind that statement.  Neither are suitable for human consumption.

Aw C'MON!!!!

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: BCBrent on August 03, 2007, 06:58:54 PM
I'll sneak in the question tonight after all the trailer parks are said and done and post tomorrow (if I remember the story.. in any event...)

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Reddawn on August 04, 2007, 07:52:59 PM
After the fifth trailer park the 75% natural grain spirits (aka Turpentine) 25% whiskey started to effect my central nervous system and then started to eat my lowest rib on the left side.

JT disappeared for like 2 hours and then all of a sudden erupts from the side of the house in full effect. We were like wtf he is alive!

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: BCBrent on August 04, 2007, 09:50:39 PM
In other news, a man known only by the name of 'the potato peeler glove robber' robbed 3 liquor stores of all the Beams 8 Star Whiskey and any 'RC Cola' they had in stock.

T'was a good time.  Incredibly hot and hazy good time, but a good time nontheless.  My best wishes goes out to Caleb and his liver.

Title: Re: Summit Hall Blowout Bash-O-Rama
Post by: Turkley on August 05, 2007, 03:07:59 PM
I think that is the worst I have felt after drinking ever.  I am also going to patent the breathalizer on you cell phone invention.  Just too much potential for disaster there.
