Title: OK, made a vid with wowmodelviewer Post by: Stugots on April 09, 2007, 12:21:26 AM EDIT: May be taking a bit longer to get posted on youtube, hopefully will be up soon.
[yt=425,350]3TjqHGeuh0Y[/yt] There it is, the greenscreen effect changed the color of his skin, and I could have done a bit better with it (you can see through his chest) plus the sound/editing and stuff could have been done better, but its just a quickie to play with the program. Oh, and i made it as small as possible so I could UL it quickly, so the quality sucks. Title: Re: OK, made a vid with wowmodelviewer Post by: Fedorov on April 09, 2007, 05:15:20 AM I am impressed with the duration and resonance of the belching....KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :D